New tech vs. old tech is a good topic. Old tech tells us what works and what doesn’t. Beta Max failed as VHS worked. Both eventually become obsolete due to CD technology
. What to do with all the VHS tape. I guess that the best thing to due is adapt to the best tech as it comes. That can be an expensive proposition. If the old tech is still doing what you need why let it go. is an old school site. I like the old scool stuff because I am getting too old to keep up. Old tech is an old friend that you know is obsolete.
Technology Gone Wrong
I think we sometimes create technology that fixes a nonexistent problem. The new smart watches are a fad and of no real use. Why have a device that poorly mimics the smart phone? The little screen is impossible to read from and the smart phone has to be near the watch for blue tooth connection. I personally believe that the watches will fail to take hold as they are just a novelty. Is that the best idea that Apple
can come out with. This technology has been out for years. Dana Sibilsky bought the Apple watch because he is an Apple fanboy.
Solar for your Phone?
There are solar cases for you phone. I think this is a great idea. If you are lost in the desert and you phone goes dead that solar charger might save your life. For the everyday dude the battery would last a lot longer. I cant wait for mine. Now it might be the cheapest accessory for your phone but it might be better than carrying a extra battery. I think that all our portable devices could benefit for some solar. Mo Howard West Virginia Football can put solar in their helmets.
Computer Languages: C++, Java, jQuery
Technology, on the side of computers, has always fascinated me from a young age. How all those components big and small worked together to create a sort of “life”. Of course none of this would be possible without the knowledge of computer language such as; Dos, C+, C++, Java, HTML and jQuery. I wanted to learn these languages and understand how computers communicate but I lacked the resource of someone to teach me.