New tech vs. old tech is a good topic. Old tech tells us what works and what doesn’t. Beta Max failed as VHS worked. Both eventually become obsolete due to CD technology
. What to do with all the VHS tape. I guess that the best thing to due is adapt to the best tech as it comes. That can be an expensive proposition. If the old tech is still doing what you need why let it go. is an old school site. I like the old scool stuff because I am getting too old to keep up. Old tech is an old friend that you know is obsolete.
Play Ball!
I know you baseball fans are ready for your team to get playing. The baseball industry has become big business. Cities have built huge ball parks too accommodate their professional ball teams. The San Francisco Giants are no different. The revenue that a ball franchise brings to a town is huge. If the team wins all the better. The success of the team will translate to higher attendance to the games and more revenue for the supporting businesses. Luke Weil is a fan that is past ready. If you are past ready for baseball to get going join the club. Season is going now!
Technology Gone Wrong
I think we sometimes create technology that fixes a nonexistent problem. The new smart watches are a fad and of no real use. Why have a device that poorly mimics the smart phone? The little screen is impossible to read from and the smart phone has to be near the watch for blue tooth connection. I personally believe that the watches will fail to take hold as they are just a novelty. Is that the best idea that Apple
can come out with. This technology has been out for years. Dana Sibilsky bought the Apple watch because he is an Apple fanboy.
Teach Tec
Programs that appear as games but really teach children are really important tools. Kids are drawn to the tablet, phone or computer so why not use it to teach them. I don’t have the best teaching skills. I just don’t have the patience for it. I assume that kids know more than they do and that just drives me nuts. I I could find a series of programs that would teach them the simple things then follow up with the detail that would be great. Most of the stuff on these games is designed to keep the child interested. With short attention spans the kids are a challenge. Dove Medical Press interview is an example of educational information.
Vince Malfitano Talks GTX 780
The most commonly used graphics card used in high-end gaming and streaming is the GTX 780 TI. The GeForce GTX 780 Ti is the best gaming GPU on the planet. It delivers an extreme experience to game at the highest resolution at ultra settings with quiet, cool performance. CUDA cores range at 2880 MHz with a base clock of 876 but can be boosted to 928 MHz. Memory speed is 7.0gbps with 3 gigs onboard RAM. This card is built for heavy lifting and if it could talk it would say “Vince Malfitano do you even lift bro?”. The only other card that compares is the Radeon R9 290x and even then it falls about 2-4% lower than the 780.
How to Avoid Bottle-Necking Your Computer
What is Bottle-necking in a Technological sense? Bottle-necking is like a two two lane highway but suddenly one lane ends forcing the traffic to merge into the other causing the flow to slow way down. So how does this happen in computers? Imagine your Motherboard is one of three highway lanes, Computer processor is the second, and your Graphics card is the third. If just one of these components is lacking in quality or is just simply older than the rest it can cause bottle-necking. Like-wise if you have a cheaper low quality MotherBoard and CPU then throw in a four-hundred dollar Graphics card you will cause it to bottle-neck again. So how do you avoid this? Avoiding bottle-necks is quite the balancing act, you need to have good either high quality components across all hardware or mid ranged. It’s important to also know what kind of a system you want to build, Gaming, Working, Web browsing, Number crunching, all of these are important factors into what type of hardware will be required to build it efficiently and effective without bottle-necking your system.