What is Bottle-necking in a Technological sense? Bottle-necking is like a two two lane highway but suddenly one lane ends forcing the traffic to merge into the other causing the flow to slow way down. So how does this happen in computers? Imagine your Motherboard is one of three highway lanes, Computer processor is the second, and your Graphics card is the third. If just one of these components is lacking in quality or is just simply older than the rest it can cause bottle-necking. Like-wise if you have a cheaper low quality MotherBoard and CPU then throw in a four-hundred dollar Graphics card you will cause it to bottle-neck again. So how do you avoid this? Avoiding bottle-necks is quite the balancing act, you need to have good either high quality components across all hardware or mid ranged. It’s important to also know what kind of a system you want to build, Gaming, Working, Web browsing, Number crunching, all of these are important factors into what type of hardware will be required to build it efficiently and effective without bottle-necking your system.
Computer Languages: C++, Java, jQuery
Technology, on the side of computers, has always fascinated me from a young age. How all those components big and small worked together to create a sort of “life”. Of course none of this would be possible without the knowledge of computer language such as; Dos, C+, C++, Java, HTML and jQuery. I wanted to learn these languages and understand how computers communicate but I lacked the resource of someone to teach me.