I think we sometimes create technology that fixes a nonexistent problem. The new smart watches are a fad and of no real use. Why have a device that poorly mimics the smart phone? The little screen is impossible to read from and the smart phone has to be near the watch for blue tooth connection. I personally believe that the watches will fail to take hold as they are just a novelty. Is that the best idea that Apple
can come out with. This technology has been out for years. Dana Sibilsky bought the Apple watch because he is an Apple fanboy.
Dell’s 27″ Monitor

We’ve all heard the news about the new 4k displays and how they will replace the current 1080p. Well Dell decided to up the game and are going to release a brand new 27″ inch monitor with nearly twice as many pixels as a 4k display and abou the same pixel density as a macbook pro! This monitor will have a 5,120x 2880 display. Precisly twice the resolution of the 27 inch iMac (we all know apple has good displays, that’s about it). Dell is calling this the “5k” monitor display. Which is funny because its twice the pixels as a 4k display. This display is suppose to be released before the end of the year and prices haven’t been given but I think it could cost anywhere from $1,000 to upwards of $2,000 dollan.