In a recent interview on Rookstool Interviews, Cyrus Baseghi was asked about his personal achievement(s). He answered in the following way:
Getting to lead my employees through authority based on respect, not fear. As someone who is in a position of power, it was never my goal to scare people into listening to me. Instead, I wanted to build a bond based on trust and mutual respect. That way, we can communicate more transparently without fearing of what either party truly think. Also, being straightforward with everyone has led to an increase in productivity because my workers do not need to stress about all the projects that are going on. They know that as long as they put in an appropriate amount of effort, missing a few deadlines is not going to make a big difference.
Cyrus Baseghi, Rookstool Interviews
You can read the full interview by visiting: https://www.rookstoolinterviews.com/cyrus-baseghi/