How Compassionate Leadership and Philanthropy Can Alleviate Loneliness and Propel Us Towards a Double Bottom Line

Loneliness is more than just feeling sad or disconnected from others; it has serious consequences for both physical and mental health.

Loneliness is a growing concern that affects people of all ages and backgrounds. According to a recent study by Cigna, nearly half of Americans report feeling lonely, with young adults being the loneliest generation. While this issue has always existed, it has been amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic and its associated social restrictions.

In response, many individuals and organizations have stepped up to address loneliness through acts of compassion and philanthropy. Donato Tramuto, co-founder of TramutoPorter Foundation, will explore how compassionate leadership and philanthropic efforts can alleviate loneliness and create a double bottom line, benefiting both the giver and the recipient.

Loneliness is more than just feeling sad or disconnected from others; it has serious consequences for both physical and mental health.

The Impact of Loneliness

Loneliness is more than just feeling sad or disconnected from others; it has serious consequences for both physical and mental health. Studies have shown that chronic loneliness can increase the risk of heart disease, depression, and even dementia.

Furthermore, loneliness negatively impacts work productivity, with lonely employees being less engaged and motivated. This affects individual performance and has a ripple effect on team dynamics and overall organizational success.

The Role of Compassionate Leadership

Compassionate leadership involves leading with empathy, understanding, and kindness towards others. In the face of loneliness, compassionate leaders can make a significant impact by fostering a sense of belonging and connection within their teams.

By creating a supportive and inclusive work environment, compassionate leaders can help combat feelings of isolation and promote social connections among employees. This not only improves overall morale but also positively impacts employee well-being and performance.

Furthermore, compassionate leadership extends beyond the workplace and into our communities. By leading with compassion in their personal lives, individuals can positively impact those around them and create a sense of belonging for others.

The Power of Philanthropy

Philanthropy is often associated with giving money to charitable causes, but it encompasses much more than that. It also includes giving time, resources, and skills to impact the world positively.

Through philanthropy, individuals and organizations can address loneliness by supporting programs and initiatives that promote social connections and community involvement. This could include funding mental health services, organizing employee volunteer opportunities, or supporting local community centers.

Not only does philanthropy directly benefit those experiencing loneliness, but it also positively impacts the giver. Studies have shown that engaging in philanthropy can lead to increased happiness and life satisfaction.

Strategies For Integration

For business leaders and philanthropists looking to weave compassionate leadership and philanthropy into the fabric of their organizations, the following strategies can serve as a starting point:

Cultivate Empathy: Encourage a culture that values and practices empathy, enabling leaders and employees to connect with each other’s and society’s deeper needs.

Enable Employee Volunteering: Create avenues for employees to volunteer during office hours. This contributes to societal well-being and enhances employee satisfaction and retention.

Leverage Core Competencies for Social Good: Identify how your organization’s products, services, and expertise can benefit social causes and enact change.

Foster Partnerships with Nonprofits: Collaborate with nonprofit organizations that align with your company’s values to amplify the impact of your philanthropic efforts.

Creating a Double Bottom Line

In business, there is often a focus on the bottom line – financial success and profitability. However, with compassionate leadership and philanthropy, we can strive towards a double bottom line that includes social impact and community well-being.

By addressing loneliness through acts of compassion and philanthropy, we improve the lives of those experiencing loneliness and create a more positive and inclusive society. This can improve employee satisfaction, increase productivity, and overall societal progress.

Final Thoughts

Loneliness is a widespread issue with serious consequences for both individuals and society as a whole. However, through compassionate leadership and philanthropic efforts, we can make a positive impact and create a double bottom line that benefits everyone involved. We can combat loneliness and promote overall well-being by fostering a sense of belonging and connection within our workplaces and communities. 

Building a Business on Integrity: How to Stay Lawful and Competitive

The foundation of any successful company rests on the dual pillars of integrity and legality. Grupo Vision, a prominent example, is a testament to the power of intertwining ethical practices with strategic business operations. This explores how businesses can remain lawful and competitive, offering insights into balancing the pursuit of profitability with the commitment to ethical standards. Through expert opinions, real-world examples, and strategic advice, we aim to guide entrepreneurs and established enterprises on a path that fosters long-term success without compromising the principles of integrity.

Understanding Integrity in Business

Integrity in the business world refers to a company’s commitment to operate honestly, ethically, and transparently, regardless of the circumstances or potential for profit. It encompasses everything from how a company interacts with its customers, employees, and stakeholders to its compliance with laws and regulations. At its core, business integrity means doing the right thing, even when no one is watching. This principle guides decision-making processes, ensuring all actions align with the company’s values and ethical standards.

The impact of integrity on a business’s long-term success and reputation cannot be overstated. Companies known for their integrity attract customers, employees, and investors who value ethical behavior and transparency. This, in turn, fosters trust – an element for building brand loyalty and a competitive edge in today’s market. On the other hand, a lack of integrity can lead to consequences, including legal penalties and damage to reputation that can be difficult, if not impossible, to repair. 

Laws and Regulations for Businesses 

The myriad of laws and regulations cover a wide range of areas, including—but not limited to—labor laws, environmental standards, consumer protection, financial reporting, and privacy laws. Labor laws ensure the fair treatment of employees, while environmental regulations prevent companies from causing undue harm to the ecosystem. Financial and privacy regulations protect the interests of consumers and maintain the trust crucial for business operations. 

Adhering to legal standards demonstrates to customers, employees, and stakeholders that a business is committed to fair and honest practices. This commitment can engender loyalty, enhance brand image, and provide a competitive advantage. On the contrary, non-compliance can lead to hefty fines, legal disputes, and a tarnished reputation. Therefore, implementing rigorous compliance programs and regularly educating employees about legal requirements is vital to preserving a company’s integrity and ensuring its long-term success.

Ethical Decision Making 

Ethical decision-making in business involves choosing morally right and fair actions in various situations. This process considers the impact of business activities on all stakeholders, including society, and goes beyond mere compliance with laws and regulations. They reflect the company’s core values and ethical principles, guiding behavior toward ethical outcomes. The ability to consistently make ethical decisions fosters a culture of trust and respect, contributing to long-term success and sustainability.

One common framework is the Utilitarian Approach, which focuses on the outcomes of a decision, aiming to maximize overall happiness and minimize harm. Another is the Rights Approach, emphasizing respect for individuals’ rights and making decisions that honor these rights. The Fairness or Justice Approach is based on equality and fairness in distributing benefits and burdens. At the same time, the Common Good Approach focuses on what will benefit the community as a whole. Lastly, the Virtue Approach encourages decisions that align with certain ideal virtues like honesty, integrity, courage, and compassion.

Building a Culture of Integrity

Key steps to creating a culture of integrity include leadership by example, where leaders demonstrate ethical behavior and integrity in all their actions, reinforcing that these values are non-negotiable. Regular training and open discussions about ethics and integrity help employees understand their importance and encourage them to speak up about any concerns or unethical behavior they observe. 

The benefits of fostering a culture of integrity are profound and far-reaching. Such a culture strengthens the trust between employees, management, customers, and other stakeholders, essential for building strong relationships and a positive brand image. Companies with a robust integrity culture are likelier to retain staff, attract high-caliber talent who want to work for ethical organizations and appeal to customers who value honesty and ethical treatment. This leads to employee engagement, productivity, and profitability. 

Handling Ethical Dilemmas

Common ethical dilemmas may include conflicts of interest, insider trading, bribery, discrimination, and corporate governance issues. Such dilemmas often place businesses at a crossroads where the legal choice may not always align with the company’s ethical standards or societal expectations. For instance, accepting supplier gifts may not be illegal but could raise questions about impartiality. n.

Strategies for addressing and resolving these dilemmas start with a strong ethical foundation laid out by the company’s leadership. Companies must develop and enforce a clear code of ethics that outlines acceptable behaviors and decision-making frameworks. Regular training and open communication channels can empower employees to identify and report ethical concerns without fear of retaliation. Utilizing ethics committees can provide impartial advice and help resolve dilemmas. 

Importance of Transparency and Accountability

Transparency refers to the degree to which a company openly shares its operations, decisions, and business practices with relevant stakeholders. It encompasses the timely and accurate disclosure of financial reports, ethical codes, business processes, and decision-making criteria. This openness ensures that all stakeholders are well-informed and can assess the integrity and ethical stance of the business. On the other hand, accountability involves taking responsibility for one’s actions and decisions in the business context. It is about being answerable to stakeholders for the outcomes of business operations, including adhering to legal and ethical standards and the readiness to explain and justify business decisions.

A step is establishing clear policies that mandate the regular disclosure of business activities and financial data. This can be facilitated through annual reports, regular stakeholder meetings, and technology to provide real-time access to information. Implementing a strong system of checks and balances, including internal audits and compliance programs, can monitor adherence to legal and ethical standards. These efforts and a strong leadership commitment to ethical principles can significantly enhance a company’s transparency and accountability, cementing a foundation of trust and integrity that supports sustainable business success.

Final Thoughts

Fostering a culture of integrity, resolving ethical dilemmas, ensuring transparency and accountability, and building trust with stakeholders necessitates a steadfast commitment to ethical principles at every level of an organization. It demands leadership that not only talks the talk but also walks the walk, creating an environment where ethical practices are the norm, not the exception. By prioritizing these values, companies can confidently navigate the complexities of the modern business landscape, securing their success and contributing to the greater good of society. This commitment to ethics and integrity is the bedrock upon which sustainable and universally respected businesses are built, reflecting a deep understanding that how success is achieved is as important as success itself.

The Hidden Dangers Of Public Digital Records: Protecting Your Personal Information

In the digital age, our personal information is more vulnerable than ever. We often share private details online without fully understanding the risks. Public digital records, accessible to anyone with an internet connection, pose a significant threat to our privacy. In this Home Title Lock Review, we’ll uncover the dangers of public digital records and ways to protect your sensitive information.

What Are Public Digital Records?

Public digital records, also known as public records or open records, are documents created and maintained by government agencies and other organizations. These records can include various information, such as birth and death certificates, property records, court documents, etc. While these records are meant to be accessible to the public for transparency and accountability, they also pose serious risks to individual privacy and security.

The Dangers Of Public Digital Records

One of the main dangers of public digital records is identity theft. Identity thieves can use the information found in these records, such as your name, address, and Social Security number, to open credit accounts, apply for loans, and commit other forms of fraud in your name. Once your identity has been stolen, resolving the issue and restoring your credit can be incredibly difficult and time-consuming.

Another risk associated with public digital records is personal safety concerns. For example, property records can reveal your home address, making you a potential target for burglary or other crimes. Court documents can also contain sensitive information about legal matters, which could be used against you by malicious individuals.

Moreover, public records can impact your professional life. Employers and other organizations may use public records to conduct background checks, and negative information found in these records could affect your job prospects or reputation.

How To Protect Yourself

So, how can you protect yourself from the dangers of public digital records? Here are some tips:

Monitor Your Credit Report Regularly

Regularly monitoring your credit report is crucial for detecting any signs of unauthorized activity early on. By checking your credit report regularly, you can spot any unusual or suspicious transactions and take action promptly. You can request a free copy of your credit report once a year from each of the three major credit reporting agencies (Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion) through

Limit the Information You Share

Being mindful of the information you share online and in public records is key to protecting your privacy. Avoid sharing sensitive details, such as your Social Security number, birth date, and home address, unless necessary. When creating online accounts, provide only the required information and avoid sharing personal information on social media platforms. Remember, once information is shared online, removing or controlling how it is used can be difficult.

Use Strong, Unique Passwords

Using strong, unique passwords for your online accounts is essential for protecting your personal information. A strong password should be at least 12 characters long and include a mix of letters, numbers, and special characters. Avoid using easily guessable information, such as your name or birthdate, and consider using a password manager to generate and store complex passwords securely. Using two-factor authentication (2FA) adds an extra layer of security by requiring a second form of verification, such as a code sent to your phone, when logging into your accounts.

Opt Out Of Public Records

In some cases, you may be able to opt out of having certain information included in public records. Contact the relevant government agencies or organizations to inquire about your options for opting out of public records. For example, you may be able to request that your home address be redacted from property records or that your personal information be kept private in court documents. While not all requests may be granted, it’s worth exploring your options to minimize the exposure of your personal information.

Be Cautious With Public Wi-Fi

When using public Wi-Fi networks, be cautious about accessing sensitive information, such as online banking or shopping websites. Public Wi-Fi networks are often unsecured, making it easier for hackers to intercept your data. If you must access sensitive information while on a public Wi-Fi network, consider using a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt your internet connection and protect your data from prying eyes. Additionally, be wary of phishing attempts and only enter personal information on secure websites (look for “https” in the URL).


By taking these precautions, you can help protect yourself from the hidden dangers of public digital records. Stay vigilant and stay safe online.

The Future Of Home Living: Integrating AI Into Everyday Life

Artificial intelligence (AI) has made significant strides in revolutionizing various aspects of our lives in recent years. One area where AI is poised to have a profound impact is in our homes. Integrating AI into everyday life is becoming increasingly common as technology advances. Cummings Plumbing explores how AI is shaping the future of home living.

Smart Home Assistants

One of the most noticeable ways AI is changing home living is through smart home assistants. These devices, such as Amazon Alexa and Google Home, use AI to understand and respond to voice commands. They can perform various tasks, such as playing music, setting reminders, providing weather updates, and controlling smart home devices like lights and thermostats. This technology makes homes more interactive and responsive to our needs, offering convenience and simplifying daily tasks.

Smart home assistants are becoming increasingly sophisticated, with advanced natural language processing (NLP) capabilities that allow them to understand complex commands and questions. This enables more natural and intuitive interactions with these devices, making them easier and more enjoyable to use.

Home Automation

AI is also driving the growth of home automation systems, enabling homeowners to control various aspects of their homes remotely. For example, AI-powered thermostats can learn your temperature preferences and adjust accordingly, saving energy and increasing comfort. Similarly, smart lighting systems can be programmed to turn on and off at specific times or in response to motion, enhancing security and energy efficiency.

Home automation systems are becoming more interconnected, allowing different devices to communicate and coordinate actions. This means that your smart thermostat can work with your smart lighting system and other devices to create a more seamless and integrated home environment.

AI-Powered Security Systems

Security is a top priority for homeowners, and AI is enhancing home security systems in several ways. AI algorithms can analyze video feeds from security cameras to detect suspicious activity, such as unauthorized entry or loitering. These systems can alert homeowners and authorities in real time, helping to prevent potential threats. Additionally, AI can integrate with smart locks to provide secure access control, allowing homeowners to lock and unlock doors remotely.

AI-powered security systems are becoming more sophisticated. They can distinguish between different objects and activities, reducing false alarms and improving the system’s overall effectiveness in detecting and responding to security threats.

Personalized Home Environments

Another exciting development is AI’s ability to personalize the home environment based on individual preferences. For example, smart thermostats can adjust the temperature based on your schedule and habits, ensuring optimal comfort while saving energy. AI can also customize lighting, music, and other elements to create the desired ambiance, enhancing the overall living experience.

Personalized home environments are becoming more adaptive, with AI systems learning and adjusting to your preferences. This creates a more tailored, comfortable living space that reflects your unique lifestyle and needs.

Challenges And Considerations

While integrating AI into home living offers many benefits, there are also challenges and considerations to be aware of. Privacy is a significant concern, as AI devices may collect and store personal data. Homeowners need to understand how their data is being used and take steps to protect their privacy. Additionally, there may be concerns about the reliability and security of AI systems, as they are vulnerable to hacking and malfunctions.

Another consideration is the potential impact of AI on jobs and the economy. As AI becomes more prevalent in homes, there may be a shift in the types of jobs available and the skills required to perform them. Society needs to adapt to these changes and ensure that everyone can benefit from the advancements in AI technology.


AI is undoubtedly shaping the future of home living, offering unprecedented convenience, efficiency, and security. We expect to see even more innovative AI applications that enhance our homes and lifestyles as technology advances. However, it’s essential to approach the integration of AI into home living thoughtfully, considering the potential risks and taking steps to mitigate them. Ultimately, AI has the potential to transform our homes into smarter, safer, and more personalized spaces.

Things Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know as They Start a Business

Starting a business is an exciting time. You have new ideas and fresh energy to pursue them, but before you do, Damon Becnel is sharing things that every entrepreneur needs to know as they start a business:

Understand your industry

This includes understanding the current market conditions for your product or service, what competitors exist in the field, and how you will differentiate yourself from them.

Know how to navigate legal hurdles

You need a business plan that shows potential customers why they should buy into what you are offering and has enough detail so that it can be used as a roadmap of sorts during negotiations with investors or partners/suppliers. This means handling complicated agreements on every front plus having an idea of which direction each aspect is headed towards – something most entrepreneurs don’t realize until years after their company started up. It’s important because contracts often contain language about who owns future rights related to patents, copyright, etc.; you want to ensure that you are protected for future success.

Collaborate with people who have complementary skills

For example, suppose your company is creating a new product. In that case, it may be important to team up with an engineer or other technical person along the way since they know how things work in terms of manufacturing and distribution. This can help protect your interests and give you valuable feedback about any problems associated with the process before too much time has passed.

Ensure regular communication between members within teams

This means having daily meetings/conference calls or weekly face-to-face gatherings where everyone discusses what happened last week, what needs to happen this coming week, and whether anything is holding back from getting their tasks done on time. Without this type of check-in, people can easily get stuck and not help one another since they’re unaware that an important item or task is slowing down progress on a project, etc.

Make sure you have enough cash.

A lack of capital can be detrimental to any company. Your startup needs enough money for operations until it starts generating revenue; this could take up to two years, depending on what kind of product or service you offer.  Things like rent and salaries need to be covered until you prove that the company has a feasible business model.

Maintain an open dialogue with investors

These people want to see progress, so they will require updates on how your startup is doing every month or two; make sure you give them something substantial if they ask for it (i.e., milestones reached/money saved). It’s important because these folks don’t just write checks; many of them also provide tremendous amounts of advice about new ways to expand market share etc., which can help ensure greater success later down the road when things get more difficult.

Build relationships with investors

It’s important to find investors who will give you the money your company needs to get going and people who can offer advice and support when it comes time for growth. This means finding people who can help you scale your company – like bringing on board an experienced team of managers or partnering with other entrepreneurs who have more expertise/knowledge in areas where your startup is weak, etc.

Keep track of all sales data.

It helps identify problems and potential areas where there might be some growth. This could mean opening up new geographical regions or targeting different customer segments from the ones you have been focusing on thus far. So, make sure to keep track of data related to how your startup is doing overtime and take a look at it every few weeks just in case any major changes can be made due to what has been revealed.

Keep an eye out for opportunities.

Even if you follow all these pieces of advice, remember that things change quickly. Therefore, always stay alert for possible improvements or alterations to current practices like expanding into other markets (beyond those you originally thought).  Adding additional products/services to your portfolio could give your company more options when it down to raising prices later on due to increased demand or signing better deals with suppliers. This is because you have a strong customer base and your company’s name is more recognizable in the marketplace due to getting involved first before everyone else jumped on board like the other folks did who are now trying to catch up.

Build long term relationships

As entrepreneurs, we should always be looking for new ways to grow.  However, we also need to maintain existing partnerships/suppliers that can help us achieve those goals since it takes time (and money) to start this process from scratch again after something had over time fallen apart due to lack of communication or mismanagement. This will only set back our plans even further than they already were before anything went wrong. So make sure to keep communication open and maintain a positive working relationship with everyone you work with.

Ensure regular communication between members within teams

This means having daily meetings/conference calls or weekly face-to-face gatherings where everyone discusses what happened last week, what needs to happen this coming week, and whether anything is holding back from getting their tasks done on time. Without this type of check-in, people can easily get stuck and not help one another since they’re unaware that an important item or task is slowing down progress on a project, etc.

Make sure you have enough cash

A lack of capital can be detrimental to any company. Your startup needs enough money for operations until it starts generating revenue; this could take time, so it’s important to have an emergency fund in the bank that can cover expenses until you prove your company has a sustainable business model. If this is not possible, consider pitching potential angel investors or look into borrowing funds from family/friends etc. since there are other options out there that don’t involve giving up control of your company in order for someone else to provide capital in exchange for equity – do what works best for you and be sure to make improvements when necessary by keeping track of all sales data over time!

Keep track of revenue generated

Make sure to keep tabs on how much money comes through the door every day, week, and month. Without this data at our fingertips, it’s difficult to make important decisions about possible changes that need to be made now before things go south due to the lack of resources available for certain tasks, etc. Furthermore, if there are any disputes between members within a team regarding expenses since everyone has their own opinion as to what counts towards overhead costs vs. personal spending, then having concrete statistics will prove which side was right all along.

Use online software or applications to manage your time

Many different tools can help entrepreneurs stay on top of their game when managing issues like sales, marketing, and customer success. Use these useful resources so you don’t have to spend countless hours keeping track of everything manually, which will only slow down your company’s progress even further than they already were before implementing any helpful programs. This will allow you (and other members within the team) more free time outside office walls to focus on what matters for moving forward without overtime having all relevant data at our fingertips. We’ll never be able to make good decisions about how best to spend each day/week/month because we won’t know where we stand regarding revenue generated/sales made etc.

In conclusion, if you follow these rules, you’d find it much easier to start and maintain your business. If followed carefully and correctly, these rules will help you make the right decisions at all times. So be sure to focus on these areas of your company’s management as soon as possible since they are integral to having a business that is constantly moving forward.

5 Top Technology Every Film Production Company Should Be Using

Sam Haskell

Throughout the history of film, technology and innovation have moved hand-in-hand with the artistic process. The Guardian looks at Stanley Kubrick’s “Barry Lyndon” and explains the use of zoom lenses and camera technology taken from NASA provides a style that was once described as glacial by critics but is now a standard part of cinematography. The movement of technology into the film industry is something that has always been and will continue to push the boundaries of filmmaking in the coming years, according to Sam Haskell, on of the top agents in Hollywood.

1. Autonomous Drones

Sam Haskell

Drones have become a major part of the work being done by many film and TV producers in the last decade or so. The ability to capture images from high above the action is vital for creating a sense of space with drones becoming smarter as artificial intelligence is introduced. Autonomous drones are set to become one of the most important pieces of equipment for a filmmaker because they will be able to read the situation and automatically adjust focus, shot width, and height depending on the demands of the filmmakers. By becoming able to think for themselves, drones will grow in importance over the next few years.

2. Digital Technology

Way back in 1999, the release of “Star Wars: The Phantom Menace” was met with confusion by many moviegoers who were unsure of the use of digital technology pioneered by George Lucas. Sam Haskell points out filmmakers including Robert Rodriguez have embraced this format and used it to speed up the shooting process to lower costs. Digital is here to stay because the majority of studios now believe the cost of traditional film is too high to make it worthwhile.

The expansion of digital technology is an area every production company should be investigating as its use to bring deceased performers back to life will be a major trend in the coming years. Again, the “Star Wars” franchise has been pioneering this technology with varying amounts of success. No matter what the thoughts of the individual are regarding bringing back former stars to appear in movies this trend looks to be continuing and growing in importance.

3. 3-D Printing Technology

Sam Haskell

The cost of professional filmmaking equipment is huge and has been the demise of many productions over the years. If we look back at the making of classic movies like “Apocolypse Now” the weather washing away sets and equipment played a huge role in the pain caused for production companies. The investment in 3-D printing technology is a good option for every production company to explore because this can mean the printing of fast, affordable equipment. Lowering costs on the basic pieces of equipment means a production company can be ready with spare pieces of equipment to keep their shoot moving forward.

4. Smartphone Filmmaking

For over a decade, the use of Smartphones to shoot entire movie projects has been touted as the future of the medium. Some have attempted and achieved the completion of entire movies shot on cell phones and the improvement in camera lenses will see this become even more important in the future. Investing in Smartphone technology could be one of the major payoffs for production companies in the future.

5. 3-D Will Return Again

The use of 3-D has always been a controversial aspect of the movie industry with most movie viewers already voting against the use of this technology because of the use of goggles or eyewear. Despite the problems that have long been seen with 3-D technology, there will be a move towards providing more 3-D technology as 4K steps into the ring. Some pioneers in this area have already thrown their hat into the ring with Wired explaining the use of multiple cameras for a single shot. 4K has already begun to be used by streaming services and in limited ways at major sporting events with a move into the movie industry the next logical step.

Sam Haskell has been one of the leading agents for TV producers to turn to for the last few years at the William Morris Agency and believes technology will continue to improve the film industry. Haskell looks back to the 1970s when “The Shining” brought Steadicam into the mainstream and believes many of the latest pieces of technology have the same chance of providing long-term success for filmmakers.

Smart Tech That You’ll Actually Want Invading Your Bathroom

A bathroom remodel Houston gives homeowners the opportunity to bring the latest technology into the most used room in the house. Whether you’re investing in a shower remodel or want to harness the power of Artificial Intelligence, your new remodel will completely transform your bathroom. Read on for the best smart tech to use in your remodel.

1. High Tech Toilets

Most modern bathroom remodels take conservation into consideration. With the latest high tech toilets, you can champion eco-friendliness by using cleansing technologies to eliminate the need for toilet paper. Moreover, with energy-efficient toilets, you can cut down on several gallons worth of water with each flush.

In addition to the new environmentally friendly options available with the latest lines of high-tech toilets, keep an eye out for self-cleaning toilets to use in your bathroom remodel. These toilets can be pricey, but they’re the latest trend in high-tech toiletry and make it easier than ever to keep your bathroom fresh and clean.

2. Touchless Sink Technology

Motion sensor sinks are another option to consider during your bathroom remodel. This touchless technology helps to reduce tap flow, allowing homeowners to conserve water and money. This touchless technology uses integrated tech to determine when hands are no longer under the faucet. In addition to eliminating the potential for leaks, this tech is the perfect option for anyone that may otherwise leave their faucets running.

3. Walk-In Bathtubs

Homeowners that have their eyes on improving their ROI with a bathroom remodel Houston should consider upgrading to walk-in showers. As walk in bathtubs Houston are an upgrade that many homebuyers search for, you would do well to invest in updating your bathtub. By installing walk in bathtubs Houston, you’ll be able to replace your outdated model with a new bath that completely transforms the way you take baths. This new look will liven up your bathroom by upgrading your old tub to a spa-like walk-in tub.

As you consider installing a walk-in tub, think about setting the mood around your tub with mood-enhancing lighting. This lighting is a game-changing addition that will enhance the ambiance in your room.

4. Refrigerated Cabinets

Cooled cabinetry is another high-tech trend taking over homes across the country. With many homeowners opting to store their medicines in their bathrooms, these built-in refrigerated bathroom cabinets will keep all your medicines cool. This will help to protect temperature-sensitive medicine from becoming degraded by improper storage.

In addition to safely storing your medication in the bathroom, this upgraded cabinetry will make it easier than ever to get started with your day. This cabinetry saves you from having to trek to the fridge for your favorite morning drinks. Thanks to your cooling cabinets, you’ll be able to enjoy a cold bottle of water or cold brew while performing your morning routine.

5. Warming Drawers

Homeowners that love the idea of having refrigerated beverages in their kitchen should consider adding towel warmers to their new bath remodel. Few things are better than wrapping up with a hot towel after a long day of work. If you’re a fan of having towels hot from the dryer, add this high tech option to your bathroom remodel. Whether they’re built into your cabinetry or you install heated towel racks, you’re sure to love this new addition.

6. Scales with Fitbit Integration

If you can’t get enough of your Fitbit, consider adding a Fitbit integrated scale to your bathroom. While this new scale will is a minor addition to include in your remodel, it can completely transform your approach to fitness. This type of smart scale uses advanced technology to track your lean mass, weight, percentage of body fat, and more.

7. Waterproof Televisions

With so much of our lives spent in the bathroom, what better way to pass the time than with a waterproof television? This futuristic installation is sure to have a high ROI as many homebuyers consider this addition to be family-friendly and forward-thinking. This waterproof TV is the final way to complete your smart home transformation. Whether you want to watch your favorite shows during a relaxing shower or play your favorite music during a bath, you’ll love having a television so close.

Consider using your upcoming shower remodel to transform your bathroom into a smart one. Keep these seven ideas in mind as you prepare for your bathroom remodel Houston

How To Keep Your Online Privacy Intact

Online privacy is something that everybody should pay attention to, especially if they need to use the internet a lot. However, this isn’t something that many people may look after. Some of this can be driven by the fact that few people know how to do so.

Tech Live Connect doesn’t think that this should be the case. Instead, we believe that online privacy should be as easy as possible to take advantage of. While it may seem like this is an overwhelmingly complicated process, it doesn’t have to be.

In contrast, making sure that your private information stays private online can be much easier than you might think. While there are a variety of ways that you can do this, there are a few that have proven to be much more useful than others.


Virtual private networks (VPNs) have become increasingly popular over the past few years. The majority of this has been driven by how much protection it can offer the majority of users. Typically, this will provide a significant amount of privacy when you’re browsing the web, which is driven by a few notable traits.

Essentially, a VPN will act as a buffer between your computer and the websites that you visit. As a result, the sites should be able to collect any of your personal information, which is quite a large benefit. There should also be a certain amount of SSL encryption to enhance this.

Encrypt Your Email

Email encryption is an area that has predominantly been used by businesses over the past few years. However, an increasing number of individuals have begun using it, as it can offer quite a large number of privacy benefits. When this is taken advantage of, it should mean that only the sender and recipient can view and read the email.

This should then mean that, even if a hacker can access the data, they shouldn’t be able to read anything. As a result, your emails should be much better protected.

Look For Privacy Indicators On Websites

Many people may not be aware that a large number of websites will have a variety of privacy indicators that they should be on the look out for. As such, you should keep an eye out for a few notable things if you need to input any sensitive information into a site.

One of the more notable of these is that the URL starts with https://, which should also be coupled with a padlock symbol. When you click on the padlock, you should be given a message that states the name of the company and how much encryption the website has. This should help to ensure your privacy.

While each of the above might take a certain amount of time to implement, they should be much more straightforward than you might think. Alongside this, they should make sure that your personal information is kept private when you’re browsing the internet.

It’s often worth making sure that you use each of the above together. While using one will have a variety of benefits, Tech Live Connect recommends that you include use all of them to stay as private as possible

Cyrus Baseghi Was Featured On Rookstool Interviews


In a recent interview on Rookstool Interviews, Cyrus Baseghi was asked about his personal achievement(s). He answered in the following way:

Getting to lead my employees through authority based on respect, not fear. As someone who is in a position of power, it was never my goal to scare people into listening to me. Instead, I wanted to build a bond based on trust and mutual respect. That way, we can communicate more transparently without fearing of what either party truly think. Also, being straightforward with everyone has led to an increase in productivity because my workers do not need to stress about all the projects that are going on. They know that as long as they put in an appropriate amount of effort, missing a few deadlines is not going to make a big difference.

Cyrus Baseghi, Rookstool Interviews

You can read the full interview by visiting: